Quit Smoking

Are you still smoking after all these years? With the high price of cigarettes today, the lack of smoking areas in public places and all the known health risks of smoking, more people than ever are kicking the habit. If you still have that stinky, cancer-causing monkey on your back, here are ten wonderful benefits to motivate you to make that change today.

Your Health

If you quit smoking today, you have a significantly reduced risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke and a whole list of conditions that aren’t life-threatening but painful or annoying.

Hey Good Looking

Non-smokers are better looking than smokers. It’s ironic, considering that most of us start smoking in order to look cool. But as you age, you won’t look so cool anymore. Smoking is terrible for your skin and it causes premature wrinkles and paleness. Smokers are more likely to go grey early and lose their hair, and cigarettes can stain your teeth and fingers. Continue reading

When you quit smoking, you can expect that you’ll have some withdrawal symptoms that make it difficult to quit. If quitting smoking causes you to feel bad at first, you should know that it’s normal to feel that way.

Nicotine is a drug that’s found in tobacco products and it is actually an addictive chemical – as addictive as other drugs such as heroine or cocaine. When you quit smoking, your body craves nicotine and can feel bad.

But the good news is that when you quit smoking, those symptoms don’t actually last for long. After a week, the physical symptoms you feel from addiction will be gone. It can help you to be more successful at quitting when you know that what you’re experiencing is only temporary. Continue reading