Quit Smoking
There’s no doubt that you know at least one or two people who have tried to quit smoking and fail. What is that they’re doing wrong? Read on to learn the top 5 ways people fail to quit so that you can learn from their mistakes when you’re ready to kick the habit.
1 – They Go It Alone
People who try to quit smoking without any help are more likely to fail than to succeed at smoking cessation. It’s important when you quit that you develop a network of friends, family members and/or professionals to help you in your endeavor.
You can even look for support from online groups if you don’t feel you have the right people in your life to help.
2 – They Keep the Same Routine
Smoking is often part of a daily routine. For example, you may wake up and smoke with your morning coffee, take specific smoke breaks throughout the day, and wind down with a cigarette before going to bed. Continue reading
Getting the good news that you’re going to have a baby can inspire you to make many healthy choices. You might improve your diet, try to get more sleep, and most importantly quit smoking.
But smoking is a hard habit to quit and you may want some support to do so. Products such as nicotine replacement and prescription medications can be appealing, but are they safe for your growing baby?
One thing is for sure: smoking delivers nicotine and many other toxins to your body which can affect your baby in negative ways. So this is an important time to consider all of your options.
Nicotine replacement such as patches and gums can be helpful in reducing your dependence on cigarettes. Most healthcare providers feel that cigarettes are more dangerous than nicotine replacement products for pregnant women. So if you’re not able to quit cold turkey, these products can be helpful. Continue reading