Bolster Your Immune System

So far we’ve touched on everything EXCEPT the exercises you can engage in to boost your immune system. There are many exercises anyone can participate in and have a good time with.

The type of exercise you select will depend on many things including your current health, your medical history and your physical activity history.


If you’ve never exercised a day in your life, your best bet may be walking. While this seems controversial it is not. The more people walk, the more likely they are to be healthy.

When we say “walk” we do not mean stroll or casually glide along the walkway. Continue reading

If you reduce the amount of stress you carry with you, you are more likely to feel better. Stress is a leading cause of illness in the United States and many others.

It is important you realize how much stress impacts your life.

When you feel stressed, usually you have a harder than average time sleeping. If you can’t sleep, then you can’t function well during the day, and are more likely to become ill because your immune system is weak.

With proper sleep and little stress however, your body is much more likely to respond positively and overcome any illness that may come its way.

How much stress do you carry around in your life? Continue reading