Bolster Your Immune System

Sleep is the best gift you can give your body. Most people are more susceptible to colds, the flu, viruses, bacterial infections and chronic fatigue when they don’t sleep.

There are many ways lack of sleep can interfere with your immune system. Let’s look at some of them and come up with some common interventions that will help you get a better night of sleep.

Trouble Sleeping

Many people have trouble falling or staying asleep. Often people have trouble falling asleep because:

They have too much on their mind. To prevent going to sleep with a full head, start a journal you can review at night to help you release your worries before bed. You can’t solve anything while sleeping, so put your worries to rest before you put yourself to bed. Continue reading

Chances are high you still have some questions about your health and immune system. We will do our best to cover each of these in this section. If you still have questions that remain a puzzle, be sure to contact your healthcare provider so he or she can help you overcome whatever illness you struggle with.

This list contains some of the more commonly asked questions about immunity, sleep, stress and well-being.

Q. Can I exercise while sick?

A. Most people can engage in light exercise if they have a minor cold or feel only slightly ill. Be sure, however, if you do this to exercise very minimally. That means you can do with a walk around the park. You don’t want to overdo it because this can cause you to feel sicker. Continue reading