Diet Transformation

If you want to make the switch to being a healthy eater who transforms their diet, one way to look at it is just by balancing your plate. But in addition to just having a good balance of nutrients, think about it in a sustainable way. This should be a complete mindset shift and lifestyle change, not a short-term diet.

Basics of a Healthy, Balanced Plate

A balanced plate is simply one that contains all the necessary nutrients for a healthy meal. Not every plate will have these in the same portions, but it is a good place to start when transforming your diet to a healthy, sustainable one.

The basic nutrients to focus on with a balanced plate include having a protein, carb, and a healthy fat, with some fruits or veggies in for fiber. Sometimes, one food will fit into multiple categories. Which is fine as long as you feel full and satiated with your meal. Continue reading

A diet transformation does not mean you do something extreme like skip entire food groups or cut all the carbs and fat from your diet. You can still make smaller changes that improve the nutrients of your food, but also help you to reach your goals. That starts with finding some healthier alternatives of your current favorite foods.

Start Slow and Gradual

Don’t rush into changing everything you eat at once, or you won’t stick to it. Instead, change just one ingredient, food, or meal at a time. To make this transition to healthy eating even easier, think o fa meal or snack where you already tend to eat a little healthier than other meals.

This might be breakfast, when you enjoy a bowl of oatmeal or eggs. Just increase the nutrients of that meal for a couple weeks, like adding sliced fruit to your oatmeal and skipping the sugar, or making a vegetable omelet instead of just eggs and cheese. Continue reading