Diet Transformation

Did you know that the reason you are gaining weight or failing to lose weight may be simply a matter of portion sizes? If you have never weighed or measured your food, it is possible that what you think is ½ cup of rice is double or triple that amount. While transforming your diet, put emphasis on learning proper portion sizes.

Identify Normal Portion Sizes

To start with, get familiar with the average portion sizes of different foods. For example, protein like chicken or steak, should be about the size of your palm. This would be approximately 4-5 ounces. You may also want to weigh your proteins in the beginning to become more familiar with how much a serving size is.

For grains, aim for 5-8 ounces, which is around ½ to 1 cup. Fruits you can enjoy up to 2 cups, though it depends on the meal. For vegetables, aim for a slightly higher amount with 2-3 cups of vegetables or greens. Dairy you want to limit to 3 cups a day, not in on sitting. Continue reading

When you think about adding fat to your diet, you might have it in your mind that it’s not good for you, but that isn’t the case! While there are definitely some forms of fat that you want to avoid, like trans fats, there are many healthy fats that can fill you up, improve the taste of your food, and leave you feeling satisfied.

Fats to Avoid

To start with, there are some fats that aren’t good for you in high quantities and should at least be reduced, if not avoided. This includes trans fats, which you are probably well aware of. Trans fats tend to be in baked goods that use a lot of butter, sugar and cream, like pizza dough, donuts, muffins, and pastries.

You can also find trans fats in packages cookies and chips, fried foods like fish and fries, and anything with “hydrogenated” vegetable oils. Continue reading