Diet Transformation

No, you do not need to be on a low carb diet to be healthy or to lose weight! You just need to look at what kinds of carbs you are consuming. While there is nothing wrong with white bread or pasta, they are not as nutrient-dense as whole wheat and whole grains. Here are some tips for replacing starchy foods with healthy, complex carbohydrates.

What’s Wrong with Starchy Foods?

Changing your diet isn’t about being clean 100% of the time, but just making small changes to increase the nutrients and health of your meals. Which means starchy foods aren’t bad for you, but there are some good reasons to reduce them if possible.

For example, starchy foods tend to have a higher amount of carbohydrates and sugar, but not as many vitamins and minerals that your body needs. They can also affect some people when it comes to lowering their blood sugar levels. Continue reading

While the order you eat certain foods doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things, it can help in the beginning when you are becoming more familiar with your own hunger and fullness cues.

Many people start with the bread or complex carb of their meal, which is often filling right away, but then you are hungry an hour later. Where protein and veggies and healthy fats tend to take a little longer to fill you up, but it provides more sustainable energy. With this in mind, it can help a lot to eat your protein and veggies first, with the carbs being last.

Start With Your Protein

Protein is a great place to start. It is going to be satisfying, reduce cravings, and help get you full and stay full. If you have a protein like tuna, chicken, steak, or even just eggs, why not try starting with that? Continue reading