Different Types of Diets

The word ‘Macrobiotic’ is derived from the Greek words Macro and Bio. Macro means large or long, while bio means life. The Macrobiotic Diet was developed in 1920 by the Japanese philosopher, George Ohsawa.

Why Follow the Macrobiotic Diet?

The goal of this diet is simple – to achieve a healthy balance in life. It’s not just about losing weight, preventing chronic diseases, and achieving the look you desire. It’s designed for long-term health. The diet rebalances your choices of foods and shows you how you should cook and prepare your foods for maximum benefit.

This diet teaches you how to listen to your body, and it does not seek to entirely deprive you of the current foods you may enjoy. You are also encouraged to eat at regular intervals and stay physically and mentally fit. Continue reading

The zone diet is an anti-inflammatory diet created by Dr. Barry Sears who is also the president of the Inflammation Research Foundation in Massachusetts, America. This best-selling diet consists of consuming the lowest number of calories that you can per day whilst still maintaining your energy levels and keeping hunger sated.

To achieve results on the zone diet you are required to eat only low levels of monounsaturated and saturated fats, eat only low GI (glycemic index) foods, and consume good amounts of protein to maintain a healthy balance.

This diet is not intended to be a quick-fix diet that promises immediate results of weight loss but a long-lasting one that will help you shed unwanted body fat. This diet can be used as a lifelong meal plan to help you keep the weight off after you have lost it. Continue reading