Dry Skin Brushing

If you are having issues with dry skin, flaking, painful skin from dryness, or rough areas then dry skin brushing may actually be for you. You may have heard of this technique, or seen the brushes for sale in health food stores, but not have realized that it was something you could benefit from.

If you are new to this technique and wanting to know more about it, here are some quick facts to get you started and open your mind to the idea of what dry skin brushing can do for you.

The Method of Dry Skin Brushing

Dry skin brushing is a simple enough method. You use a non-synthetic or natural bristle brush on your body to remove dry skin. This brushing technique is done all over your body and with no lotion, soaps, or water. You simply brush the body gently making sure to get every part of your body and then take a shower afterwards. It is considered to be a more natural and milder form of exfoliation than using over the counter and chemical exfoliating methods that can actually cut or damage the skin. Continue reading

You may have heard of dry brushing, and you may know you want to do it as part of your skin care routine. What you may not know is what the overall benefits are of this technique. You may know that it removes dry skin, but you may not know what dry skin brushing offer that you can’t get from other dry skin removal methods. Here are some of those benefits to consider about your new dry skin brushing routine.

Lymphatic System

One of the key benefits of dry brushing occurs to the lymphatic system. This is an important benefit because this system helps remove cellular waste. The dry brushing technique helps open the cells and the system to cycling the waste out and to rebuilding the skin and cellular system. It helps prevent blockage in this system as well. Think of it as opening up blocked pores and making sure that things are cycling out properly and allowing the area to be cleaned properly as well. Continue reading