Dysfunctional Eating

Sugar isn’t the worst thing you could be doing to your body. However, if you’re like millions of Americans you could be dealing with one serious sugar habit.

Sugar has seeped its way into our food supply and is more prevalent than ever. Here are 5 quick tips if you’re looking for simple ways to kick your sugar habit.

Don’t Go Cold Turkey

Web M.D. suggests slowly tapering the amount of sugar you eat so you don’t suffer the side effects of drastic change.

In addition, it is less likely you will stick with any change if you go from one extreme to another with little moderation in between.

Drastic diet changes never stick. The best thing that you can do is to make small changes and stick with them over time. Continue reading

When we are bored, stressed, depressed, or angry we frequently turn to food to provide us with the comfort we long for. If you think it’s getting out of control, then it’s time to pump the brakes.

You get home after a long day at work, it wasn’t the greatest, and you feel low. There’s nothing on TV, so you have some chocolate or a pack of chips, and then you have some more, you feel lonely, and fed up, so you crave a fatty meal of comfort food, so you call for a pizza!

Emotional Eating

It’s common for people to turn to food to boost their emotions- we use it to dull the pain of a broken heart, as it offers us a security blanket to cover our emotions. Unfortunately, the foods that we refer to as comfort foods are packed with sugary carbohydrates and saturated fats. Continue reading