Anti Aging Foods

Your mother or grandmother may have told you “what you eat and drink today, walks and talks tomorrow”. If you have even a small degree of self-awareness you will have realized that certain foods can make you feel good.

You will almost certainly be aware that some foods and drink can provide short-term pleasure, but there is a price to pay tomorrow and beyond.

From recognizing that some foods you consume are not in the best interest of your health, it is no big reach to realize that whatever you put on your plate, every meal, can greatly influence how you look as you age.

Regular exercise is important, but it is increasingly recognized that diet is the single most crucial thing to be considered if you want to feel healthy, look healthy and live genuinely healthy as years go by. Continue reading

Almost everyone would love to flaunt a younger looking skin with a face devoid of wrinkles. Some choose the surgical option but find the results are temporary, more so if lifestyle changes are not undertaken as well.

Several studies shown that sags, bags and wrinkles can be reduced by eating the right kind of foods every day. The following is a list of foods that can help you defy the process of aging.


These small nuts contain huge amounts of vitamin E. Make it a habit to eat a small handful of raw almonds each day to help you hold back the years. Almonds provide their greatest benefits when eaten raw so that your body will be able to use the vitamin E in its most potent form. Continue reading