Become Sugar Free

We like sugar and it is not our fault. But for some people it is hard to control the amount they consume. What usually happens is a person craves sugar and then proceeds to eat something that contains a lot of sugar – such as a candy bar.

The sugar releases endorphins in our brain and we feel great and happy – called the sugar rush. As our body quickly releases insulin to consume the simple carbohydrates, it usually releases too much too fast, so we start experiencing the sugar crash.

We want that “feel good” feeling again so we eat more sugar. The insulin level goes up and the cycle repeats itself over and over and …. The problem from this continued up-and-down cycle is you will eventually experience insulin resistance where your body keeps requiring more insulin to deal with the sugar. Continue reading

I know what you are thinking – “healthier” and “sweet tooth” can’t go together.

While in most cases that is true, there are ways to have your dessert and eat it too.

Try these five ways that will tame your sweet tooth dragon, while at the same time keeping you on your healthy eating plan.

1 – Fruit

I know, fruit sounds boring, but really it makes a great dessert. Slice up an apple and put a little cinnamon on it.

When peaches are in season, slice up a fresh peach and flavor it with a sprinkle of stevia. Continue reading