Become Sugar Free

Sweet! While normally a word expressing agreement, when it comes to sugar, it is a term that can cause life-threatening illnesses and diseases. Most people in America, Canada and the U.K. consume too much sugar.

The World Health Organization recommends our diet should not contain more than 5% added sugar – the sugar added to products, not naturally occurring as it does in fruit.

For people on a 2,000 calorie diet, that amounts to 100 calories per day. At 4 calories per gram, that amounts to 20 grams of sugar or about 5 teaspoons. In reality we are consuming on average 18 to 26 teaspoons per day or about 5 times the amount we should have. Consuming too much sugar can cause a whole host of conditions or illnesses: Continue reading

The low-down on how hard it is to beat a sugar addiction can best be explained in one sentence.

“No one can exert cognitive inhibition, willpower, over a biochemical drive that goes on every minute, of every day, of every year.” – Dr. Robert H. Lustig, Pediatric Endocrinologist

Dr. Lustig is a recognized authority on sugar and obesity from the University of California at San Francisco. And, if you ask him directly if too much sugar in your diet can be addictive, you had better be prepared for a long answer.

He is very passionate about teaching people why it is so important to limit the amount of sugar you eat, and why it is so difficult to do so. Continue reading