Become Sugar Free

If you are a diabetic, you most likely know the foods you should avoid. Simple carbohydrates or foods that quickly digest and get into the bloodstream can spike blood sugar levels through the roof.

However, there are some foods you should be eating that do a great job at helping control your blood sugar levels.

Whole Grains

As a diabetic, you should eat whole grain because of their high fiber content. The soluble fiber keeps you feeling fuller longer, thus you are less likely to eat more carbohydrates later.

By eating less, you will be better able to control your weight – a common health problem among diabetics. While most whole grains are beneficial, oats and barley seem to be the most beneficial. Continue reading

The manufacturers of artificial sweeteners tout the advantages of using their products as part of a weight loss plan, but they fail to also inform you of the dangers of using their products. However, there have been numerous independent studies of artificial sweeteners and most have reached the same conclusions: avoid them at all costs.

While most of the manufactured sweeteners are either low in calories or have zero calories, the health problems they can cause just aren’t worth the so-called benefits they provide. Some artificial sweeteners are worse for you than sugar as evidenced by numerous studies.

And with real sugar, at least you know what it is made from – sugar cane or sugar beets. That is not the case with artificial sweeteners. Continue reading