Become Sugar Free

Ask ten people this question and most likely all ten will tell you the answer is fat. But is it?

More and more studies are showing fat is not the culprit behind weight gain – it is sugar. But how can that be?

If you go purely by caloric content, fat has over twice the number of calories per gram as sugar – 9 verses 4.

So, people trying to lose weight jump on the low-fat or fat-free food bandwagon in an attempt to reduce their fat intake and lose weight.

The mistake many people make is they associate fat-free or low fat with calorie free and that is a huge mistake. Continue reading

Eating out once in a while can be fun but when you are on a reduced sugar diet, it can be tricky. Fast foods are the worst. Unless you carefully read the nutritional labels, you’ll be eating a lot of sugar and not know it.

Besides being loaded with sugar, most fast foods also contain far too much sodium, saturated fat and calories – some meals have a whole day’s worth.

But there are healthier options available at most fast food restaurants – you just have to know what to order.

Watch the Calories

On average a person eats 836 calories per fast food meal and underestimates how many calories consumed by 175 calories. Use the nutritional information provided by the fast food chain and try to keep your meal at 500 calories or less. Continue reading