Bullet Proof Coffee

Although there have yet to be extensive scientific studies done on Bullet Proof coffee to undeniably confirm or deny whether or not this drink lives up to the hype, there have been a number of people that have been drinking it for a long period of time who claim that the weight loss, increased energy, and improved brain function benefits are all very real.

Here are two ways that Bullet Proof coffee works with your body that help you lose weight:

Burns Fat for Energy

Your body naturally wants to burn glucose for energy, which is why you tend to crave carbohydrates when you are hungry, or when your blood sugar levels get too low in between meals. However, at night or when fasting, your body doesn’t have access to glucose and so it uses a process called ketosis to burn fat instead of glucose. Continue reading

In this section, we’re going to go into more details about two common questions people have about Bullet Proof coffee: is it safe and is it right for all ages?

Before starting any new diet, you should always evaluate it for safety and make sure that it’s right for you.

Is Bullet Proof Coffee Safe?

Some of this depends on you and how quickly you jump into it. Although there are plenty of people that have been safely drinking it for a year or more, there are others that have reported some pretty intense digestive upset when they started on it.

Here are some examples of people that shouldn’t jump right into drinking Bullet Proof coffee. Continue reading