Coffee Basics

Coffee is the world’s most popular beverage. It is grown in many countries, and comes in endless flavors, strengths, and varieties.

And guess what? That’s perfectly fine. While many would have you to believe, drinking coffee is bad for you, the research shows otherwise. Coffee (in moderation) can actually be very beneficial to your body, skin, and brain.

Here are 6 of the many reasons you should start every day with a cup of coffee. …or Joe as it is commonly referred to in the United States.

1 – It Provides You with a Wealth of Antioxidants

Most Americans get more antioxidants from coffee than they do from the food they eat. According to a 2005 study, nothing even comes close to providing the amount of antioxidants found in coffee. Continue reading

Whether you take it black or with cream and sugar, if you’re a coffee lover, you depend on that first cup of java to get your morning started.

However, the good things this popular caffeinated beverage offers aren’t just limited to providing a jumpstart to your day or that extra boost of energy you need to get past the afternoon slump.

It’s been proven that coffee is also good for you in a variety of ways. Read on to discover seven surprising health benefits of coffee.

Burns Fat

Take a walk through the nutritional supplements aisle of your local drugstore and scan the ingredient lists of the popular fat burners. More than likely, you’ll see caffeine listed on nearly every one. That’s because this natural chemical has been shown to significantly aid in the fat burning process by boosting the body’s metabolic rate. Continue reading