Coffee Basics
People the world over crave coffee to start their day, giving them an added boost. For the most part, many of us are simply looking to be energized as quickly as possible for the work day ahead and don’t really pay attention to whether the coffee we’re consuming is organic or non-organic.
As a result, any type of coffee is our go-to option and can be ready within minutes from the comfort of our own home.
However, there are some major differences between drinking organic and non-organic coffee that you should know about.
What’s the Difference?
Regular Coffee
The usual coffee that millions of people consume on a daily basis is saturated in pesticides, fertilizers and numerous other chemicals. Continue reading
Did you know that coffee beans are usually stored when they’re green?
They’re stored this way in order to maintain freshness and quality prior to roasting. It’s the roasting that brings out the aroma and taste you love.
Roasting uses high temperatures in order to bring about the chemical changes necessary to produce the desired taste when brewed.
Roasts can be divided into four main categories. These are light, medium, medium-dark and dark.
A bit of trivia you may not realize is that it’s the light roasts that actually have a higher concentration of caffeine than the darker ones.
This guide to common coffee roasts will give you a basic understanding of each category and the types of coffee in each. Continue reading