Coffee Basics

If you’re a coffee lover with a weakness for yummy frothy and deliciously dark beverages, you probably know these treats can be rather pricey.

Perhaps you’re ready to try your hand at making your own caffeinated creations at home, but you’re not sure how to even begin.

Sure, it can be a bit confusing. Each different drink is made with its own particular roast of bean, particular grind, temperature and ingredients.

Relax, sit back and take a look at this simple primer on how to make popular types of coffee drinks in your kitchen.


The key to making a good espresso is the grind of the bean. You should use finely ground, quality coffee beans instead of the coarse grind used in regular coffee. Continue reading

If you’re a coffee connoisseur, you’ll likely want to keep a variety of their favorite roasts on hand. After all, the various types of drinks require different grinds or roasts.

However, it’s important to note that coffee is perishable and that the freshest beans make the best-tasting cup.

Therefore, it’s important to know how to keep your coffee fresh for as long as possible.

Follow these tips to properly store coffee in order to ensure your beans maintain their appeal.

Choose Whole Beans

Whole coffee beans are always preferable to pre-ground varieties when it comes to the ultimate in freshness. You’ll achieve the best flavor by grinding the beans yourself immediately prior to brewing. Grinding leads to faster oxidizing of coffee, giving it a bitter or flat taste. Beans are definitely best. Continue reading