Coffee for Health

Coffee is the source of much contention in daily life. Why would the most popular beverage in the world be the topic of so much debate?

Well, for one it is because of pseudo-science, which attempts to twist anything having good effects into a negative light, outlining all of the potential downsides, and discrediting the good.

Well, you can toss your doubts out the window ladies and gentlemen! Why?

Because numerous real, scientific studies have been concluded on coffee and its benefits, and one thing screams through time and time again- that coffee is good for you!

We’re in no way advocating you drink coffee as you would water, but a few cups throughout the day will improve your well-being and leave you better off! Continue reading

When it comes to their morning beverage of choice, many people do not have to think twice before picking up that cup of coffee.

And that may not be a bad thing, after all, coffee possesses a variety of benefits, giving you plenty of reasons to drink it.

Added bonus: It’s cheap, widely available and tastes good. So, do you need any more reasons? If so, you’re in luck, because after reading this you will make coffee a part of your daily ritual, and do so guilt free.

Coffee can Reduce Pain

If you work out often, coffee can do wonders to reduce pain afterwards. In fact, a study published in The Journal of Pain (Maridakis et al, March 2007) found that up to a 48% reduction of pain could be expected. This is significant as it speeds up recovery and will allow you to train sooner once again. Continue reading