Coffee for Health
When it comes to coffee, its health benefits are not often considered.
After all, it is a tasty beverage, that gives you a kick to start your morning off the right way, isn’t that enough?
It sure is a good start, but what if you found out that coffee can help reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes? Surely, it would become a mainstay in your dietary regimen, right?
Let’s explore how coffee can help possibly prevent type 2 diabetes development.
Type 2 diabetes is at epidemic levels in the United States thanks to high carb diets filled with unhealthy sugar filled junk and the staggering obesity rates, with 1/3 of US adults being obese. Continue reading
For years, the World Health Organization described coffee as “possibly carcinogenic,” and it had even linked it to increased risks of bladder cancer.
However, an announcement made in 2016 reversed all of that with an announcement that found it had quite the opposite effects.
The New York Times reports that drinking coffee has been shown to lower rates of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, neurological disorders and several types of cancers.
Now, there is strong evidence that three to five cups of coffee a day could reduce several systemic diseases, including multiple types of cancer. Continue reading