Eat to Age Exceptionally

As we age, our energy levels drop. In addition, we’re all well aware of the importance of caffeinated beverages in our lives, how it impacts on our lives, and how easily we become dependent, even in small amounts. Withdrawal can come in the form of headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. Too much caffeine causes daytime drowsiness and irregular sleeping habits.

Fortunately, there are healthier options that can boost energy levels without all the negative side-effects. Here are 6 energy-boosting foods you need to include in your diet:

1 – Whole Grains

Foods like brown rice and oatmeal are high in energetic value. They break down slowly in your digestive system, which helps sustain you throughout the day. Quinoa sustains you throughout the day due to its high intake of complex carbohydrates. It also contains essential amino acids, which are a great source of energy. Continue reading

Nutritional deficiency is something not many people discuss. Why? Because admitting you may be deficient in something puts you in a position of embarrassment, equating it with being unable to eat properly.

However, this is far from the truth. You can have what you believe is the richest diet, even though it may be lacking in many nutrients. These deficiencies are bad during any phase of life, but tend to take its toll mainly on children and the elderly.

Nutrient deficiencies do not always manifest themselves early on, and many only appear when other symptoms become obvious. The most common deficiencies to keep an eye out for include the following: Continue reading