Eating Low Carb

Deciding to go cold turkey on your favorite carbs (yes, the same ones that are bad for you, but so delicious) could be the hardest time in your life.

In fact, sugar addiction is a very real thing, not just a made up condition in the figment of your imagination. It is being researched more and more these days, as it has been discovered to share similarities to drug addiction, whereby pleasure and reward centers in the brain are constantly seeking their next “high” or feel good moment.

However, the good news is that carb addiction is not that difficult to break. In fact, after just 2 weeks or so of going commando, you can do without them, and you will not be subject to violent mood swings and out of control cravings.

So how exactly can you stop missing those carbs, and overcome your addiction? By following the tips we have outlined for you, of course! Continue reading

Ah fiber, we hear so much chatter about it on a daily basis, yet many of us fail to get enough in our diet.

Even worse, a lot of us are completely oblivious of what it does, or why you should be getting more in your diet. Are you one of the many who are misinformed when it comes to fiber?

Benefits of Adding More Fiber to Your Diet

Helps Control Cholesterol Levels

Fiber comes in two types, soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber is able to bind to bile acids, which are then excreted. When bile acid levels are lowered, cholesterol is used up to replace the diminished supply of this essential digestive substance. Continue reading