Eating Low Carb
When people think of calorie counting, they cringe, and while all of us wish we could eat whatever we want without gaining weight, for most of us this is simply not reality and not how it works.
While there are some people who can eat what they want and not gain weight, most of us have to watch our diet closely and pay close attention to the food we consume.
Counting calories is one way people have decided to take charge of their fitness and lead a healthier lifestyle. Along with counting calories, they may decide to go on a low-carb diet in an effort to lose weight.
There may be some confusion about calorie counting and what it actually entails and how it can benefit you, but also if it is necessary when you are on a low-carb diet. To figure out the answer to this question, it is important to understand what each entails and their purposes. Continue reading
Many people equate switching to a low carb diet with having to give up many of the foods that they love. That is hardly the case, often it just means having to be more creative when you cook.
In fact, did you know there are many different low carb swaps for carb-filled recipes that allow you to enjoy, pancakes, pizza, crunchy snacks like chips, French fry alternatives, and even pasta! Yes, pasta!
For many, one of the hardest parts of eating low carb is the need to give up pasta that is loaded with starch carbs, but pasta alternatives are made easy with the invention of the spiral cutter!
While you cannot eat pasta made from flour when living a low carb lifestyle, when you use these amazing vegetable cutting tools, you can still enjoy your pasta dishes, in a very low carb healthy version. Continue reading