Eating Low Carb

By now, it has been pounded into your head more times than you’d like to remember; breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Yet, many people skip this meal altogether, for reasons that range from “no time,” to “can’t stomach food” to “I don’t like breakfast.”

However, regardless of the best lame excuse you can muster, there are reasons too many to mention why you NEED to have breakfast, and there is an endless number of options for you to consider.

Just in case you don’t know why breakfast is so important, here’s a quick refresher:

A Healthy Breakfast Revs Up Your Metabolism

Think skipping meals will have you looking like a Greek god/goddess? Nope, research has shown that people who miss meals end up slowing their own metabolism, hindering long term calorie burn, and hence weight loss. Consume a meal loaded with proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and fiber to kick your gears into motion! Continue reading

So you’ve made the decision to eat low carb – kudos to you for that. However, you may soon realize that it can easily become a lot more difficult than you anticipated; at least without diligent thought and preparation.

So, what’s to be done?

Let’s face it – we all have jobs (or at least I hope so!) and it can be quite the task to wake up very early in the morning to prepare food, then struggle through morning commute for who knows how many more hours. Then, as soon as you get to work, you run down to the vending machine and pick up a Snickers. Whoa there! You’re off to a bad start.

What if I told you, that you can carry your food with you? Yes, I know you won’t be spending hours in the kitchen before work, but there are ways you can expedite preparation time, and have delicious, healthy and most importantly portable low carb meals at your disposal. Continue reading