Fermented Foods
Do wake up each day feeling exhausted – even if you’ve had a full night of sleep? If so, you may be suffering from inflammation that you can fight using fermented foods. You may not associate fatigue with your intestinal health, but it turns out they can very intimately linked.
It turns out that autoimmune problems such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome often go hand in hand with intestinal problems. Your gut is actually incredibly important when it comes to the health of your immune system.
When you don’t have the proper amount of healthy bacteria in your gut, your body is more susceptible to inflammation which leads to poor immune function. Inflammation also raises your risk for many other chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Continue reading
It seems that food allergies and sensitivities are more common than ever. People have bad reactions to nuts, dairy, soy, and gluten at higher rates than ever before. And even if you don’t experience a severe allergic reaction, you may find that you’re sensitive to many foods.
One possible reason for these food issues lays in the bacteria levels of the gut. Your intestines need to have a wide variety of good bacteria living in them in order to function properly. The bacteria in your gut do most of the breaking down of food.
You may suffer from a lack of good bacteria as a result of stress, illness, antibiotics, toxins in the environment, and toxins in your food related to genetically modified foods and artificial additives and preservatives. Continue reading