Fermented Foods
Fermented foods are incredibly healthy for the body. They provide the body with beneficial bacteria and yeast. These help to strengthen your gut and improve your health. But not all fermented foods are equal.
In fact, much of your immune system can actually be attributed to the flora in your digestive system. If you?re suffering from illness or inflammation, adding fermented foods to your diet can be greatly beneficial.
However, not all fermented foods are created equal. Many fermented foods you can buy commercially are processed in such a way that their nutrition is depleted.
For example, foods that are pasteurized with high heat which destroys the active cultures used to ferment the food. For example, homemade pickles are fermented and full of healthy microorganisms. Continue reading
Irritable bowel syndrome is a problem for as much as 20% of the population. It includes a wide variety of symptoms including diarrhea, constipation, abdominal discomfort, gas, and abdominal bloating. While there’s no one test for IBS, people diagnosed with it are tested for other possible conditions which are ruled out.
For many people, IBS is associated with a lack of healthy bacteria in the gut. Your body needs bacteria in order to digest food properly and protect your body from harmful illness.
When you don’t have enough healthy bacteria, the entire system can be off track. In addition, you may have more inflammation throughout your body which increases symptoms of IBS. There are so many antibiotics used, chemical preservatives, and antibacterial products that many people suffer from too little gut flora. Continue reading