Going Meatless

Thinking of ditching meat in your diet? Becoming a vegetarian is a huge decision that requires commitment. Many people do it for various reasons, such as animal welfare, religious reasons or environmental concerns.

However, one of the benefits of switching to a meatless diet you should not overlook is how it can potentially reduce heart disease and stroke risk.

A statistical update in December 2014 by the American Heart Association showed that heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide.

The data gathered from 190 countries showed that heart disease is responsible for 17.3 million deaths that year and they expect it to rise to 23.6 million deaths by 2030. Continue reading

What used to be a fad a couple of decades ago is proving to be more beneficial in many ways. Several studies that show the benefits of a meatless diet are attracting more people to jump on the bandwagon. Why not? You are not only making your body healthier and stronger, you are helping conserve water as well.

Even in this modern world, about one billion people still do not have access to clean drinking water in some countries. Water is a basic need. Just think about how hard it must be for these people to look for sources, yet, in other countries, people take its value for granted and waste it.

Should you wait until water shortage knocks at your door before making a move? When it comes to water, every droplet counts, therefore, every little effort counts. Continue reading