Healthy Fats
We’ve come a long way in the past 10 years in realizing that not all fat is evil. In fact, there are quite a few healthy fats and oils out there that you should consume on a regular basis. Here are three of them that are perfect for cooking and finishing foods.
If you’re not already using them, give them at try. They will make you feel better, make your food taste amazing, and might actually help you lose weight.
Olive Oil
Let’s start with the most common of our three oils. If you’re not already using extra virgin olive oil, there’s no better time than the present to start. Go for cold pressed and a high quality olive oil. It contains lots of monounsaturated fat and has even been shown to reduce inflammation in your body.
The oil changes when exposed to very high temperatures. Avoid using it when frying food and stick to using it as a finishing oil instead. It makes a great base for salad dressings and is delicious when you dip bread in it. Continue reading
Olives and olive oil play a big part in any Mediterranean Diet plan. Olives are high in a wonderful Omega 3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid, and extra-virgin olive oil (EVO) is the healthiest olive oil type, since it is extracted using natural methods. Other olive oils take the liquid from olives by using chemical solvents and high heat. This lowers the nutritional value of non-EVO products.
However, there is a problem. Some extra-virgin olive oil manufacturers are not being honest with you.
A study conducted at the UC Davis University in California revealed some alarming information. It showed that as much as 69% of all extra virgin olive oil brands sold in the United States are not EVO at all. These same brands are sold globally as well.
186 extra virgin olive oil samples were tested, using recognized EVO standards developed by the International Olive Council (IOC). Accepted EVO qualification methods from Australia and Germany were consulted as well. Continue reading