
Kombucha is something that many people hear about and have a general idea of the health benefits, but really aren’t sure exactly what it is. Kombucha is a type of probiotic drink, more closely resembling a tea.

While you can add a lot of flavorings to make it taste different, it essentially consists of a starter with bacteria and yeast, tea, and sugar.

You can make it completely at home from scratch, or you can start with the kombucha tea starters, then flavor it on your own. You don’t have to be concerned about the sugar or caffeine, since most of it is going to be used up during the fermentation process.

How Kombucha is Made at Home

It is not uncommon for people to make kombucha at home. You can purchase it in bottles from health food stores and some supermarkets, but it does tend to be a little pricey when you go that direction. Continue reading

The fermented tea called kombucha is not a new concoction by any means, but it is gaining popularity by people who care about their health. You can find it in just about any health food store, plus many drug stores and supermarkets are also starting to carry it.

The reason people enjoy drinking it is because the tea, yeast cultures, and bacteria in it can actually really help with your health, particularly gut health and digestion. Here are some different health benefits to expect when you drink kombucha.

It Helps with Digestion

One of the top reasons people will drink kombucha is because it can really help with digestion and overall gut health. If you are someone that constantly experiences heartburn after eating, or general upset from things like dairy or strong flavors like garlic, drinking more kombucha can really help. Continue reading