
If you have been looking at bottled kombucha tea that is sold in health food stores or your local supermarket, you have likely noticed how expensive it can be. This is because it goes through a fermentation process, so it isn’t as simple as just combining ingredients in a manufacturing plant.

However, you can make it on your own to always have it on hand, control what it is flavored with, and save some money in the process. Here are some basic instructions for making your own kombucha tea.

Gather Your Ingredients

To make your own kombucha tea, you first need to have the right ingredients. The following includes a list of ingredients and tools that are needed for making your own kombucha tea. Continue reading

When you make kombucha at home, you will be left with kombucha in its purest form. It will be made with an active culture starter along with tea and sugar. However, when it is fermented, you no longer taste any sugar. Since green or black tea is typically used, it can be a very strong and pungent flavor.

If you are not a fan of this type of taste, you may want to add in some flavor. You can also flavor bottled kombucha if you purchased it without anything added. Here are some different ways to change the flavor of your kombucha tea.

Add Fruit

This is a really great option because not only are you getting more flavor from the fruit, but you can benefit from the fruit’s nutrients as well. Continue reading