Vitamins & Minerals for Healthy Aging
It is not uncommon to develop diabetes as we grow older, and with an increasing number of people suffering diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and pre-diabetes in their youth, the number only looks like it’s going to go up every generation.
Many of us are aware of the efforts we can make to prevent diabetes – healthy diet, low carb diet, low processed food diet, more fiber, more exercise, reduced calories, etc.
However, once you have it, it can be difficult if not impossible to reverse. This is where medicine comes in.
Most diabetics are on some form of medicine or another. Insulin, metformin, and gabapentin are common medicines for treating diabetes and its side effects. Continue reading
Arthritis in people over the age of fifty is hardly anything new. As we grow older, we lose a lot of the collagen and fluids in our bodies start to wear down and deteriorate, resulting in softer, squishier joints.
As our joints are softer and squishier, they no longer take the same pressure and movement as we used to be able to handle in our youth.
A bit like a piece of rubber that has lost its bounce, we find the cushioning on our joints cracks and crumbles at the slightest provocation.
This damage results in the bone underneath overgrowing to compensate. And this overgrowth will further wear down the cushioning on our joints, this time from the inside, until all that is left is bone rubbing on bone. Continue reading