Vitamins & Minerals for Healthy Aging

As we grow older it is not uncommon to suffer joint pains. In fact, by the age of thirty most people experience at least one chronic or recurring form of joint pain, usually in their lower back, neck, knees, or hands.

By the time we are entering our fifties we will have a few such pains, and they will probably be more painful, and present for longer, than they were when we were younger.

There are a few reasons for these pains, some of which we can address at any stage in our lives by engaging in preventative habits, others which are important steps to take after the age of fifty to protect us against troubles we did not have in our thirties or forties. Continue reading

Back pain is a common ailment in developed nations, with three quarters of people in developed countries suffering back pain at some point in their lives, and most of these going on to suffer it from that day onwards, or on a cyclical basis, for the rest of their lives.

Back pain reaches a cumulative peak in our fifties, as we reduce our activity levels, eat much less, and many women go on to suffer bone mineral loss.

Symptoms of back pain vary from person to person. Some people feel a mild ache, or stiffness. Others feel sharp, stabbing pains from their lower back to their legs. The causes are highly variable.

Although, in your youth you are more likely to suffer back pain due to poor posture or hormonal cycles, as you grow older you can add arthritis, osteoporosis, strains, infections, and bulging disks to the list. Continue reading