Why Eat Healthy?
It has been drummed into your head as many times as you can take; “you need to pay more attention to your diet as you age.” And yes, you’ve likely made a conscious effort to change your eating patterns, as you trust it is the right thing to do.
But why? What exactly happens, or can happen if you refuse to modify your eating habits? Your brain may be firing with a few reasons, but they are likely just scratching the surface of why your diet becomes so much more important.
Ready to find out why you need to make changes? Let’s go!
1 – Age Related Brain Degeneration May Occur
It’s regarded as a natural part of aging, but it does not have to be. Why? Because development of mental deficits and loss of reasoning and faculties does not dictate aging. It should come as no coincidence that many people of the orient live long lives while keeping their wits about them. The primary driving factor is diet. Continue reading
In the past lifestyle diseases were only associated with the rich, or wealthy of society. Today, however, the landscape of lifestyle diseases is much more diverse as no longer is it the “rich man’s curse” but now thanks to availability of cheap junk food, these chronic conditions have penetrated every layer of society.
Luckily, this as in many other cases can be fixed by addressing the root problem causing it, which in this case is diet. By swapping out unhealthy options for healthier, wholesome options you may yet be able to get your life back on track. Let’s see what you can start doing today to reduce your risk of these lifestyle diseases.
Diabetes develops slowly following years of bad eating patterns, compounded by a sedentary lifestyle and genetic predisposition. While you can’t do much about genetic predisposition, it does not mean you can control your diet and activity level. Continue reading