Why Eat Healthy?
A person who eats a steady diet of junk food is said to have an unhealthy diet. Since the human body is much like a car engine, if, instead of, unleaded gasoline which the car engine was built to run on, you put in diesel fuel, the car will cough, sputter, and run badly until its early demise on the side of the road somewhere.
The same thing can happen to your body, as it was built to nutrients obtained from whole food and not on junk food that is loaded with empty calories, fat and has little or no nutritional value.
What is Junk Food?
Junk food is any pre-packaged and processed food that is rich in salt, sugar and calories, but, low in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. This is what most people eat as a staple these days. Continue reading
“Comfort food” is a term we use to refer to food that we usually turn to when we are feeling sad or stressed. Sometimes these are also foods that are warm and hearty, such as, those eaten in colder weather. While the later can be healthy, the former are foods that are usually heavy on sugar and fat and they are heavily associated with pleasurable childhood memories.
Think about it, after you get a shot at the pediatrician’s clinic, you are given a sucker. After your dental appointment, you get rewarded with ice cream. When you are down with a cold or with the flu, your mom makes chicken soup for you.
On cold winter days, after you frolic in the snow making a snowman, your mother gives you a hot steaming mug of hot cocoa. Or, in the summer when you visit your grandparents, you help them pick some blackberries with which they make a heavenly cobbler. Continue reading