Why Eat Healthy?
Since we are what we eat, it makes sense to eat healthy and healthful food to keep our bodies healthy. Some people think of food as just things to fill up one’s growling stomach and they are.
But, they are also so much more: healthful foods are medicine to enable our cells to repair themselves; they are protection that enhances our bodies’ defence system; and they are enhancers to help us live to a ripe old age.
You have probably heard this over and over, from your mom, your grandma, your teachers and even from the news: fruits and vegetables, whole grains and nuts are good for your health.
So we start with that basic premise. A healthful diet is one that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts. Continue reading
We have been led to believe by health organizations, and even food manufacturers, that the word “natural” means a particular food item is healthy and good for us. You probably believe this yourself, right? However, viruses and other debilitating, even deadly, microorganisms are natural. But that does not make them good for us. So what does natural really mean anyway?
If you see the word natural on a food label, is that good news? According to the consumer advocate magazine Consumer Reports, this can be a very misleading term. While not too many food manufacturers will put the term “unnatural” on their foods, food described as natural can be healthy, unhealthy or have no effect on you at all.
Consumer Reports believes so strongly that the natural label is being applied to possibly unnatural foods that it has urged the FDA to ban its use on food labels. Continue reading