Essential Supplements

Do you want to be as healthy as possible, but you aren’t sure what to eat and how to get the right nutrients? If so, you should first look at the vitamins you need to consume daily, then find natural food sources for those vitamins. Here is a good list to start with.

Vitamin A

The first vitamin you want to be sure you get on a daily basis is vitamin A. This can be from natural food sources or taken as a multi-vitamin or separate supplement.

With most vitamins and minerals, you typically get enough through your food as long as you eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. With vitamin A, you can typically through your diet with foods like cantaloupe, carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, liver, and beans. These are called beta-carotene sources, and natural food sources are always best. Continue reading

As a woman, it is important that you take good care of your health, on the inside and out. The top way you can do this is by ensuring you are giving your body all the nutrients it needs. The following vitamins and minerals are especially important for women to have.


The first important nutrient you need if you are a woman is calcium. Calcium is, of course, important for everyone as it builds strong bones and is important for muscles and nerves, but women are susceptible to bone mass loss as they get older. You are at a higher risk for conditions related to bone deterioration like osteoporosis, but with enough calcium, you have a good chance at avoiding them.

The main sources of calcium are milk and yogurt, but if you don’t eat much dairy, you can also get it from other natural food sources. Try canned salmon, kale, broccoli, and fruit juices. Continue reading