Essential Supplements

Fiber is one of the essential nutrients your body needs to be healthy. With fiber, you have good intestinal support and limited digestive issues, along with many other benefits. If you are struggling to get enough fiber each day, here are some tips and ideas.

1 – Eat More Whole Grains

The first way you can get more fiber in your diet is by eating more whole grains. These should be chosen over refined carbohydrates, and it is a really easy transition to make.

Any time you would typically eat white rice or white pasta, just switch to brown rice or quinoa and whole wheat pasta. Some other whole grains that are great to eat are oatmeal, bulgur, buckwheat, oats, rye, and barley. Grains are always an excellent source of fiber. Continue reading

Not only can you get your important vitamins and minerals from supplements, but you can also get them from natural food sources. An easy thing to do is look at superfoods that contain these nutrients, since they tend to be higher in vitamins and minerals.

Here are some superfoods that are amazing for giving you the nutrients your body needs.


The first superfood on the list to get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs is almonds. There are many nuts and seeds that are considered superfoods, and almonds are definitely included. Just a single serving of almonds can provide nearly 15 percent of how much vitamin E you need in a day. Continue reading