Benefits of Exercise
Adequate blood circulation plays a crucial role in your general health. The bloodstream constantly transports nutrients and oxygen to the brain, vital organs of the body, and skin.
When your circulation is lessened, you can get a variety of diseases, such as strokes, skin, and brain disorders. Exercise, however, plays a crucial role in maximizing blood circulation.
Raise Your Heart Rate
Any type of exercise that increases the heart rate will maximize circulation. When the heart muscle is able to contract at a higher rate, the increased blood volume will move more quickly through the bloodstream, increasing the volume of blood as it moves through the circulation. You may know these exercises as aerobic exercises and they are a crucial part of improving your circulation. Continue reading
Everyone knows that exercising boosts your strength, stamina, balance, and flexibility, but did you know it also improves your memory as well? This has been borne out in several research articles, including one out of Ireland that looked at the benefits exercise has on boosting memory.
The Results of the Study
In the study, young men were recruited for an exercise study. Initially they were told to remember the names and faces of people in a lineup that they saw only briefly. After trying to memorize the lineup, they were asked to remember as many names and faces that they could.
As a comparison, the researchers allowed 50 percent of the young men to rid a stationary bicycle and were asked to ride the bicycle as strenuously as they could until they reached the point of exhaustion. There was a control group, which included the other half of the men in the study. Controls just sat still for a half hour. Continue reading