Bodyweight for Beginners

Becoming fit is not as complicated as most people make it out to be. You just need to determine the form of exercising you like, as well as what types of workouts you dislike.

Just because someone started exercising by lifting weights doesn’t mean that the same person should spend their entire life doing that same form of exercise.

If you grew tired of (or instantly hated) lifting weight, then you shouldn’t get discouraged and stop exercising all together.

Instead, you should try a different type of workout. The perfect substitute for lifting is doing bodyweight exercises.

Bodyweight exercises are a great choice because they improve your flexibility, strength, and of course, overall health. In addition, the best part of doing them is that they don’t cost anything, as you don not need any equipment. Continue reading

There are a lot of different types of fitness programs, from those you do at the gym, to at-home workouts. Each of these varies is intensity, type, and benefits.

If you are interested in something you can do at home without equipment, bodyweight might be for you. Here are some of the top benefits of doing bodyweight exercises.

You Can Do It Anywhere

This is definitely one of the top benefits of bodyweight exercises. You don’t have to leave your home or find a gym.

There is no equipment you need to purchase and find a place for, plus it costs you nothing. Bodyweight exercises rely only on your own weight and the intensity you bring to each move.

You can do them at home, in the office, at a park or the beach, just about anywhere. While traveling, it is easy to do them in your hotel room or on your balcony, without having to look for a gym or go for a run. Continue reading