Bodyweight for Beginners

As you probably know, bodyweight exercises allow you to workout anywhere and usually with no equipment or weights, toning and strengthening your entire body.

For some people, they really want to focus on their upper body, which is where the following moves benefit you the most.

Pull-Ups and Push-Ups

Two bodyweight exercises that are fantastic for your upper body are the pull-ups and push-ups. If you don’t have a bar at home, you will need to go to a nearby playground or park for the pull-ups, or you can do them in your local gym.

However, it is highly recommended to add them to your routine if you are working on your upper body. All you need to do is put your hands on the bar and try to pull yourself up until your chest meets the bar. Continue reading

While bodyweight moves work your entire body, some of them really target your core. If you are looking to tighten your ab muscles and strengthen your core, definitely add these moves to your workout routine.

Reverse Crunch

This might sound like a simple crunch, but you are going in reverse, and it is much more complicated. The good news is that it works your lower abdominals, which are notoriously difficult to engage.

If you have a low belly pouch you are trying to minimize and tone, this is an excellent bodyweight exercise to do.

The reverse crunch starts with you lying on your back with your legs out in front of you. Put your hands behind your head to support your neck, then cross your ankles. Lift your feet up and toward the ceiling, then back down. Continue reading