Cycling for Beginners

If you live in a small town, or in an area where bike shops are limited, you may find yourself resorting to online buying. This can be easy, get the bike to you quickly, and give you the option of getting the best price.

Even though there are several pros to doing this, there are also some cons. This means that you need to know a few things before you step into the online cycle ordering area. Here are a few tips that can help with your first order.

Sizing of the Bike

When you buy clothing online, you need to have your measurements for an accurate fit. The same is true for when you are buying a bike online. You need to have your measurements ready and they need to be accurate. Normally, the sizing of a bike would be done in person. This takes out a lot of guesswork from the equation. Continue reading

When you start cycling, your first thought when it comes to pedals is that the bike already comes with them. Though true, the pedals that come with your bike are not necessarily the ones you will need if you plan on using your cycle for more than just a once a week outing at the park.

If you want to use your cycle for weight loss, in long distance rides, races, or events then you are going to need pedals that match your needs. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you buy your cycling pedals.

Use Pedal Toe Clips and Straps

Though toe clips and straps are not necessary a type of cycling pedal, they are an accessory that you should consider. There are a few reasons they can be vital to your cycling. They offer a retention system for your riding. This can help with strength building and endurance building. Ideally, they also offer stability for your riding. These are ideal for mountain bike riding and for all terrain riding for long distance as well. Continue reading