Exercising with Injuries

A common piece of advice you will get when you want to continue exercising after you get an injury is that you need to take it slow. You should not get up and start doing the same workout you always did just because the swelling has gone down. Going slow and steady will be more beneficial to you in the long run.

Get Your Doctor’s Approval

Before you start working out following an injury, you should consult your doctor. This is really the safest way to go, because they can examine you and be sure you won’t cause any harm.

Sometimes, it feels like you are better because the pain has lessened and the swelling has gone down, but until you start working out, you don’t realize that area of your body isn’t quite ready for an exercise routine. Continue reading

When you get an injury, it can be hard to break up your normal fitness routine. There are some things you should do when you’re ready to exercise again, and others you need to avoid. Here are some important do’s and don’ts to keep in mind.

Don’t Make the Injury Worse

This is unfortunately a common mistake people make when they want to keep exercising after getting an injury. It is crucial that you exercise slowly and are gentle with your body following an injury.

If you make the injury worse or create other injuries in the process, it is only going to take you longer before you can get back to your normal fitness routine. Follow your doctor’s orders and don’t go back to your normal amount of weight or intensity right off the bat. Continue reading