Exercising with Injuries

Yoga is one of the top recommended workouts after you have an injury because it is easy on your body and it really helps to strengthen and tone your body.

The flexibility you get from yoga can also help to improve the range of motion in your injured extremity. Take a look at the different ways yoga can be beneficial after an injury.

Standing Poses Can Be Done with Ankle Injuries

First of all, if you have an ankle injury, you might think you can’t do yoga, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. You just need to select the right types of poses that are safe to do even on a bad ankle. Continue reading

Following an injury, you are often in a rush to heal so that you can back to exercising and just your everyday normal routine. While you can’t rush the resting and ice stage, there are some things you can do to help healing go more smoothly.

Apply Ice Right Away

As soon as you get an injury, you need to ice it right away. The icing is really important because it helps to reduce swelling and inflammation, which also adds to the pain. You don’t want to ice it too much, but try about 5-10 minutes, remove it for a few minutes, then ice it again. Keep doing this until the swelling begins to go down.

Try icing it a few times a day until you start to experience relief. Make sure the ice pack is covered with a thin towel so that it doesn’t cause damage to your skin from the direct contact. Continue reading