Exercising with Injuries
When you get a knee injury, it is tempting to just remain in bed all day, or do as little as possible. While it is important to get enough rest shortly after you get the injury, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to move around when you feel comfortable doing so.
Here are some options for exercising even if you have a knee injury:
Modify Your Cardio Workouts
With a knee injury, you can usually still do cardio workouts, though you need to make some modifications. You don’t want to do anything that will hurt your knee or inure it more.
For example, if you are used to running being your main source of exercise, this is going to put too much stress on your knees, but that doesn’t mean you can’t exercise outside. Continue reading
If you have hip pain, either from a previous injury or simply due to a bad hip, then you may be wondering how you can still exercise and stay in shape.
Luckily, there are plenty of things you can do even with a bad hip. The following exercises are a little gentler on your hips.
While the treadmill can be a little hard on your hips since walking on a hard surface is difficult, the elliptical is something else entirely. This can actually be more of a smooth cardio workout, where there isn’t as much tension and stress on your legs and hips.
People have even noted that their knees can handle an elliptical a little better than a treadmill. Try adding just a few minutes of elliptical training per day to burn calories while staying fit. Continue reading