Food for Fitness

Carb cycling is a popular phrase being thrown around in gyms and fitness studios. Many diets say that carbs are bad and should be avoided. To an extent that can be true if you aren’t eating the right carbs at the right time. Certainly eating simple carbs in the form of floury or sugary foods all day is never a good idea.

White bread and white rice and pasta are also culprits in weight gain and hold little nutritional value as compared to their whole grain counterparts that contain high amounts of fiber that helps to keep blood sugars stable and prevent spikes that can lead to weight gain.

Carbs, or carbohydrates, are used by the body as fuel or energy. If you eat more than your body needs, it can be turned into fat and stored in the body. We don’t want stored fat unless we are planning to survive a three-week blizzard. The trick is to train your body to using carbs the right way for fat loss. That’s where carb cycling comes in. Continue reading

The human body is an amazing work that we can sculpt and mold as we wish. Some people strive for buxom and soft figures, whereas others work to have the biggest muscles possible.

Somewhere in between these two ends of the spectrum, we have average, toned, and lean bodies. In order to understand how we can alter our bodies, we must first understand how our muscles are built.

How Do We Build Muscle?

Our body is full of muscles; muscles are what make everything work. From the pumping of your heart to the striding of your legs—muscles are responsible. We have 650 skeletal muscles in our bodies, and these grow by a natural process.

The process begins with the exhaustion and tearing of muscles during strength training and weight lifting; the body then repairs these muscle fibers, forming new muscle mass, or myofibrils. Continue reading