Food for Fitness
650 muscles support the skeletal system of the body. These muscles make everything you do possible, every movement, from running a 5k to blinking your eyes.
When growing your muscles you are also exhausting your muscles. The body then repairs these tired muscle fibers and creates new muscle mass, or myofibrils.
This process of repair happens when at rest and this cycle is very important to the building of lean muscle mass and overall strength training results. Muscle growth while you are in motion takes place by satellite cells, which allow muscle cells to possess more nuclei that stimulate the direct growth of myofibrils.
Your muscles are growing while you are at work, and also while you are at rest. What determines the mass of muscles is determined by your training routine and diet. Continue reading
Energy Used During Workout
Our bodies rely on proper food as the fuel to drive all of our functions. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the functions different food serve.
The proteins, fats, and carbs of your diet are converted into energy through a process called adenosine triphosphate or ATP. ATP is broken down and releases energy making muscles movement possible. Each type of nutrient plays a role in ATP differently.
Carbs are your strongest fuel, providing energy for high power exercise, whereas fats are good for longer and lower energy activities.
Proteins will play more of a role in repair and maintenance after the workout as they rebuild and repair muscle. It is important to remember the different roles foods play, as you structure your power workouts. Continue reading