Fun Fitness

Jump ropes tend to bring to mind the idea of children playing or games like double Dutch. What you may not think of right away is using a jump rope as part of a workout.

In fact, it may surprise you to find that there are multiple ways to use a jump rope in body resistance workouts that require only the rope and yourself.

Here are a few of the ways that you can use a jump rope to workout or as part of your larger workout routine.

HIIT Routine

One of the easiest ways to use a jump rope for your workout is to create or use a pre- made HIIT routine. These routines usually have five or six different exercises that are done in intervals. Continue reading

When you first start to look at your HIIT routine, you may start to look at the easiest methods available. You may want something that uses very little equipment or equipment that is easy to take with you without taking up much space.

You may want a routine upgrade that lets you get the most out of the workout routine as well. One of those methods is to use a jump rope. If you aren’t sure how to incorporate the jump rope into your HIIT routine to get the maximum benefit, then here are some ways to get you started.

Ab HIIT Routine

One of the focal points for workouts tends to be the abs and core. You may think you can’t do that with a jump rope, but you can if you know the right HIIT routine. The basic ab and core jump rope routine is a 30 second cycle with a 10 second rest. Continue reading