
Among the different accessories that can be used for Pilates, using a ball is a popular option. You can either use a medicine ball, also called an exercise ball, or a mini ball for a different set of exercises. Here are some ways to use a ball for Pilates.

Reach For the Stars

This Pilates move, often called a star reach, will actually provide more of a full-body workout. In addition to working on your abs and oblique muscles, it is also great for your legs and buttocks muscles.

You are going to create a star-like shape with your entire body. You will start with your feet apart, holding the ball in one hand. Lift the opposite leg to the side as high as you can, then bend your body to the opposite side and touch the ball to the floor. Keep that leg lifted as you bend, then go back up and repeat it. Don’t forget to do the same amount of reps on the other side. Continue reading

Pilates is an excellent exercise if you are looking to tone your muscles and increase flexibility. While Pilates focuses more on your core, many of the moves are also good for other areas of your body.

Pilates happens to be a workout that is often thought about as something you can do without any equipment, but there are actually quite a few accessories that would turn it into a full body workout.

Here are some different accessories to consider using for your Pilates workout:

Exercise Balls

There are not one, but two different types of balls you can use with Pilates. The first is an exercise ball, sometimes referred to as a medicine ball. Continue reading