
Whether you’re looking to lose weight or whether you’re simply trying to keep fit, running is one of the best exercises you can do. It provides so many unique and wonderful benefits and unlike some other forms of exercise, it can also become extremely addictive – yes really!

Here we’ll look at the top benefits of running and why it’s frequently considered one of the best types of exercise.

Reducing Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Cardio based exercise is essential for good health and running is the best type you can do.

A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardio has even revealed that just 5-10 minutes of running each day can drastically reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. It literally cuts your chances of fatal heart disease by half. Continue reading

These days, life seems to pass by in the blink of an eye. The fast-paced world we live in can have a serious effect on our health. If you find you’re constantly stressed and run down, running may be able to help.

Exercise in general, really helps to boost the mood and naturally de-stress the body. Below you’ll discover 5 ways running can help to combat stress.

1 – It Helps to Clear Your Mind

A lot of runners say they are able to think clearly while running. It provides plenty of time for you to be alone with your thoughts. So, if you’re dealing with a lot of work pressure for example, you can get your sneakers on, head out into nature and figure out the best way to deal with the problem. Continue reading